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Update from Estancia de Animas

Hello Dear Friends,

I wanted to reach out to each one of you who have been and who are faithfully supporting the Bethshean Mexico Mission and personally thank you for your partnership in the many facets of ministry taking place in central Mexico! It has been an extraordinary year. Our Board, along with our mission Administrators Abdiel and Shannon Rocha, want you to know of all the fruitful progress taking place. Below is an update letter from them so that you can hear directly about all that is currently taking place. I'm so grateful for each of you and for your investment in Bethshean! Merry Christmas to you and to your church families.


Michael Plank

Chairman, Bethshean Mexico Mission


Shannon and Abdiel

“Being grateful is followed by a “thank you” while gratitude is a

constant state of being. Gratitude is present regardless of and irrelevant to any promise of an outcome.

Our gratitude isn’t dependent on the desired result; it is simply a

part of our daily consciousness.”

~ Valorie Kondos Field, aka Miss Val

We are happy to be able to greet you all here from Estancia de Animas, Zacatecas, Mexico. We have been contemplating our blessings, many of which have come through difficulties this year, but we are even grateful for these hard things because they have helped us grow in faith and patience. With the passing of our sister Cris this past year, navigating through the various aspects of the Bethshean Mexico Mission ministry that God has placed us in has been trying and testing. However, God is so faithful and good, and we want you to know how God uses us to move His mission forward!

This year, many updates have been to the mission installations, including the teardown and reconstruction of the storage and laundry areas and enclosed storage areas in the dome at the Bethshean Christian Camp & Conference Center. We are grateful that we have finally gotten back to more normal activity at the camp since the Covid epidemic hit. This year, we had summer intermediate and youth camps, a young adult singles camp in the fall, a marriage retreat this month, and regular daily activities for the area youth groups.

The Nursing Home was constructed from 1985-1991 and opened in April 1991. Since then, many things have deteriorated due to use and weather conditions. The perimeter wall of the nursing home property was never finished, so that project is currently in progress. The roof is also being replaced, and the brick walls and sidewalks of the home have been repaired. There is work to do inside, with the interior walls and the drop ceiling. There are currently 11 residents being cared for at the nursing home. One of the projects in the works is accepting male residents in the home once again.

Our Clinic for Medical and Dental Services opened in April of this year. Little by little, word is getting out, and more patients seek care and refer their friends and family members to the clinic. A small ultrasound machine has been purchased for imaging, and an x-ray machine will soon need to be added. There are also plans to open a pharmacy at the clinic. These items will allow for more complete service so that the patients do not have to go to different places for each service.

Our body of area Churches connected with the mission each has its own struggles and victories. Just as you may have experienced in the States, getting back to “normal” after Covid has been rough for some congregations. Other congregations have struggled with delinquency and safety in their area. However, none of the churches have given into these struggles and continue to march on in discipleship and growth.

At the end of this month, S.O.A.R. Ministries will be coming to give out Angels Bags to the area children. The churches have been faithful in providing some of the necessary funds to help get the bags across the border into Mexico and are preparing for the children to be blessed through this ministry. It is encouraging to see growth, even through struggles and difficulties. God is faithful and so, so good!

Our team of 25 staff, administrators, and pastors here at the Bethshean Mexico Mission is filled with gratitude for you, for your faithfulness, and for your willingness to be used by our Lord as an instrument, whether it be to pray for us to continue the ministry and for hearts to be open to the Gospel, to give financially or to come down and get involved in the ministry. We want you to be confident that “He who began a good work” here continues to see it all through. We are so grateful for your partnership! Thank you for standing with us in God’s kingdom work!


Abdiel & Shannon Rocha

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