Dear Christian Friends,
As I drove down the streets of Loreto in early July, I saw a welcomed sight: students wearing uniforms carrying backpacks walking to school. Stores are open. People are visiting in the streets. Children are playing in the parks. Finally, familiar sights point to the return of normalcy.
The green light was given to towns, cities, and surrounding areas indicating that it was safe to return to activities as usual, and the pandemic was more or less under control. Many people took off their masks, forgot to distance, and neglected to wash their hands.
The ministers of Bethshean decided it was safe to have two weeks of Christian camp – one week for intermediates and one for youth They would allow 50 campers to attend each week. Dr. Freddy’s daughter, Rachel, who is also a doctor, checked each camper for any symptoms of illness.
Classes, sports, songs, and all other activities that you have in a week of camp were filled with excitement. Memories were made, hearts were convicted, and decisions were made for the Lord. We celebrated as three were baptized at camp. The campers of both wonderful weeks appreciated the efforts of the leaders.
It was on the last day of Youth Camp that things changed. There were several campers and leaders who had fever, body aches, and other symptoms. We sent everyone home, but we continued to receive word of others getting sick through the days that followed. It has been like a nightmare. As of this writing, all are either over the sickness or at the end of it. We continue to pray for each one.
On the positive side, several mothers have commented to me how their son or daughter came home with a different attitude. Three were baptized during Intermediate week. Others also accepted Christ and waited to be baptized in their home church. We are grateful for these souls who are now part of the family.
What a great time! The week of Intermediate Camp and the week of Youth Camp were such a blessing as we were able to meet again with children and teens hungry for God and His mercy. During the Intermediate week, all campers came forward during the invitation except two. When those who did come forward were asked why they came, they said that they needed God’s mercy!! There were three baptisms at that week.
The youth camp week was no different, with teens making the decision to follow the “right way”. They wanted God to direct their lives. They gave their lives over to Christ and were born again.
When the week was almost over, some of us tested positive for Covid, both staff and campers. Praise God, we are all coming through it. For me it was all worth it to have been able to work there two weeks to see the blessings and to be a part of the harvest of souls for the glory and honor of God. I would do it all over again.
June and July have been busy months. After we returned at the beginning of June, it did not take us long to get settled back into activities in Mexico. At the beginning of July our daughter, Rachel, came for a 2 week visit which we thoroughly enjoyed. During her time here, she was able to help with the middle school week of camp and first day of the senior high week. Rachel and I played the role of camp physicians. The first week we had the pleasure of seeing Eva and Isaac being baptized. Both weeks had several decisions made along with additional baptisms. Praise God!!!
The only negative for the weeks of camp was COVID-19 that developed at the end of the second week. We had approximately 15+ cases from the last couple days of camp until now. Fortunately, no one was hospitalized that I am aware. Manuel, Abdiel, Shannon, and Shan were probably the sickest. Manuel has required home oxygen and steroids. Presently, everyone seems to be starting to improve slowly. Please be praying for all those who attended and worked in the camps. Pray also for those that are still struggling with the COVID-19 virus.
With all the rainy weather, activities, and illness, the clinic roof has been delayed for a time. God has still provided most of the funds needed to finish the repair. We lack about $3000 to complete. This is such a Praise too! He is slowly providing the monthly salary expense for the clinic staff. As you recall we will need approximately $5000 per month for these salaries for the first year of operation. We would ask that you consider being a part of the mission by contributing to this expense.
1. For the new believers that came from camp.
2. For providing the fund to repair the clinic roof.
3. For God’s provision for the needs of the mission.
4. For God’s provision of safety for the workers with the mission.
5. That the COVID-19 cases did not require hospitalization.
1. Dr. Freddy’s back problems.
2. Churches and ministers – safety and the work
3. Ministers for the Maravillas Church and the Loreto Church
On July 31st, our dear brother, Joe Kenworthy, went home to be with the Lord. He and his wife, Susan, have served on the Bethshean Board of Directors since 2009, and Joe was our Forwarding Agent from 2009 until the end of 2019. He will be greatly missed, but we have joy in knowing he is with the Lord. Please remember Susan and their family in your prayers.
On several occasions I was blessed to stay in their home. Joe was a wonderful cook, so breakfast was always a treat. I have great memories sharing moments with them, eating at restaurants, and going to Helen, GA. What a treat it was to sit out on their deck talking and laughing together! Yes, Joe is already being missed, but it is just a matter of time before we will see him again.
This past month brought difficult challenges, but our God is with us through all circumstances. I appreciate so much your prayers on behalf of our campers and staff members as they were recovering from Covid-19. Thank you.
I also thank you for your continued financial support. I have said many times, if it weren’t for the Lord’s church, we could not do very much here in Mexico. So, thank you again and again. May God bless each one.
Truly in Christian love,
~ Cris
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