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Writer's pictureBethshean Mexico Mission

April Newsletter 2021

Dear Christian Friends,

Alonso filled with Joy

A few months ago, I shared with you how the Angel Bags' project helped to form home Bible studies in three different communities in Guadalajara. Brother Josue and his family have faithfully continued the Bible studies in all three communities.

El Refugio is the community where the burning house was located that I wrote about in January. A family of three adult women and three small children were trapped inside. We praised God that the men who attended that Friday night Bible study were able to help save the lives of the women and children. The men and their wives attend the Bible study faithfully, ask questions, and understand that it was God's hand working in their lives that horrible night of the fire. God used them, and He had them in the right place at the right time. While the men and their wives attend weekly to study God’s Word, the wives pretty much attend because their husbands say they must.

Silvia listening to Josue

One of these wives is Silvia Cardenas. She wanted nothing to do with Christians, and she certainly did not like attending the Bible study. But in a sense, she had no choice since her husband told her to come with him. She let it be known by her facial expressions and comments that she was not happy to be there and had no interest in listening to God’s Word or being around Christians.

Angeles beginning her New Life

The Holy Spirit, through God’s Word, began to change her heart and her thinking. What a surprise when she made the Good Confession that Jesus is the Christ and that He is the Son of God. She accepted Him as Savior and was baptized this month on April 11th. One of her younger daughters, Angeles, was also baptized. One week later,

Jorge, Silvia’s husband

Silvia’s husband, Jorge, and her son-in-law (Angeles’ husband), Alonso, accepted Christ and were baptized. Please pray for Silvia’s family. She has two other daughters who are carefully listening to the Good News of Jesus! Others, that I have not mentioned previously, have made the same decision and were baptized. Things are happening in the Guadalajara Church. The domino effect of the Angel Bags continues...

In the area where the church is located, Josue has opened up another Bible study in a member’s home where 8 people, very advanced in age, attend faithfully every Tuesday. It takes a little bit more time with them for the Bible study, but they listen intently and are understanding the Gospel little by little. He asks for prayers for the work. The church building is overflowing!


April has brought a few changes since the March newsletter. The government office is still closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico, so we can't talk to the officials about licensing yet. We are hopeful that they will soon open since they have begun vaccinations for the virus. We continue to search for a physician for the clinic position while waiting. Please continue to be in prayer for the additional financial support that we need to help with the operating costs. Our projected need is $5000 per month during the first year. I know God can provide this through His people. This amount will help cover the salaries, supplies, and utility costs.

Over the past 5-6 weeks, I have been dealing with lower back pain that has not responded to the normal treatment. Last week, I had an MRI done here in Mexico which revealed a herniated disc that is causing the trouble. After much prayer and thought, Carol and I decided to return home for an epidural nerve block to see if it helps with the issue. We plan on returning the first of May since the procedure is scheduled for mid-May. Our return date depends on the outcome of the epidural at this point. We would appreciate your prayers as we travel home, and I have the procedure.

Even though there have been some negative things this month, I still realize that God is in control of every part of our lives. It is when we are at our weakest point that He reveals His Strength to us. We must continue to Trust in His Word that He is with us always no matter what.

Please continue praying for Bethshean Mexico Mission daily.

Prayer Needs:

1. Continue praying for the opportunity to mentor, teach, and love the

clinic physician, dentist, and staff

2. The additional financial support for the first year of the clinic

operation - $5000 per month

3. Be in prayer for the paperwork for the clinic opening.

4. Pray for the hearts of the people that the clinic will be serving would

be softened and open to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

5. Pray for the ministers of the mission churches as they continue working

to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.


1. Paul Hamrick is doing better, and his injuries are healing.

2. For the physician that will be working at the Nursing Home.

3. For God’s provision for the needs of the mission.

4. Carol and I are adjusting to life in Mexico.

In His Service,

Freddy and Carol


Greetings! Praise God, we have been able to update the tax declarations of the A.C., and we are up to date. The A.C. is now also registered in the Cofepris (Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks). We have hired a local doctor, Rene Rodriguez Moto, as the physician responsible for the care of the elderly in the Bethshean nursing home. We continue to await the opening of the government offices in order to continue with paperwork.

Please join us in praying for a Christian accountant for the A.C. We believe God will provide for all of the needs!!!


Abdiel, Shannon and girls


We work on the property all day five days a week and

sometimes on Saturdays. This past week we installed the water and sewage lines on the property. From there we will run them to the bathrooms and kitchen area. We have been digging a cistern so that we can have water. We used a backhoe to go as deep as it could dig. Now, two men use jackhammers to dig through rock, and two use shovels to remove rock and dirt from cistern.

It is hard work, but it will bless the congregation. Once we finish digging the cistern, we will start building the outside walls of the property.

I appreciate so much the financial help for this church. The ladies continue to sell tamales once a week and are doing what they can to build up funds. The children put their pesos in a bank box shaped like a church building and the men help with the digging when they can, since they work at their own jobs. Please pray for this small congregation as they grow together; learning to follow the Lord.


Ema - New Life in Christ!

My heart overflows when I think of how the Lord takes what we have and uses it to impact His kingdom. The pictures in this newsletter are of precious souls that have been added to His kingdom through your gifts for the Angel Bag program and the willingness of Josue and his family to teach in three communities weekly. In addition to Silvia’s family entering relationship with Christ, Ema, who attends one of the other Bible studies, was the first to be baptized from her group. What a privilege we all have to share Jesus to a lost world looking for hope!

It’s so amazing how the Lord continues to provide our needs for the work through His people. I am deeply appreciative to each of you for your prayers and financial help. We will continue faithfully serving Him. May God bless you and your families as you serve Him, too.

Through His love,

~ Cris


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