I asked Cris once if she thought she would ever want to marry. She laughed and said, "Sandy, Jesus is enough for me". Later she turned someone down with his proposal of marriage, saying something like, "He would never compare to Jesus' place in my heart".
The escapades of three women on early morning ventures and late evening trips: We were on Mexican time. Cris, Alcy, the Swedish lady who later delivered the Angel Bags several times, and I were searching for enough ceramic floor tiles that matched to finish the Nursing Home clinic room. We first had to find and pick up Cris' trailer which she had loaned to a friend. We drove out in a field, after dark, to hook it up. However, the smelly trailer was full of manure. We got on the road after having it unloaded. With making three stops at tile stores as far as Aguascalientes to complete the required number, we returned to Estancia and Bethshean. This was about 2 a.m. We three handed down the heavy boxes, by flashlight, to unload. The tile guys from the US could start their work in the morning. We were tired!
Another into-the-night adventure started out during our daytime drive to the border. Cris wanted to show Alcy and me the pretty mountain route while going to McAllen. Along the way, a family was broken down because of a bad tire. Cris insisted on taking the man and his tire to the next town to get it fixed. We stayed along the side of the road with the family and hoped Cris would return for us soon. Several hours later, we left the happy family and it became dark. We were traveling in rain and on a road with muddy potholes. The windshield and lights became plastered with mud from passing vehicles. We couldn't see. I had some drinking water with me so sloshed some on the windshield while hanging out the front window and the wipers did the rest. We had to stop to clean off the headlights. We thankfully make it to a motel in McAllen later that evening.
Love these! I can picture Cris in every one of these scenarios!